Still playing the bitter loser during a speaking engagement at Yale University, Jeb Bush declared from the start of his speech that he was not going to talk about his loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 GOP presidential primary.
“I’m not going to talk about the 2016 election,” Bush said. “I’m still in therapy.” Many yucks, right?
However, Bush would never pass up an opportunity to insult President Trump, referring to him as a “Republican in basically name only,” adding that after the 2016 South Carolina Republican primary, he went home to his children who “actually love me.”
As expected, Bush’s childish invective provoked twitter responses from the president’s children and many other patriots from sea to shining sea.
Jeb! I love everything about my father. I love that he’s a fighter, I love that he has guts, I love that he’s President (all those things you’re not)
Also love that he learned enough about politics in a few weeks to dismantle you piece by piece despite it being your life’s work
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 29, 2018
.@JebBush I actually love my father very much. #PleaseClap
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) March 29, 2018
I Heard Jeb Bush Is Questioning The Love Of Donald Trump's Children For Their Father. REALLY JEB BUSH? More Drug Problems For Noelle Bush via @CBSNews
— TPW (@TrumpsPrettyWom) March 29, 2018
There's absolutely nothing more embarrassing than t see a bunch of former politicians [Ex: Jeb Bush] act like spoiled little losers.Their pathetic attacks on Trump is a true reflection of their jealousy toward him.Isn't it obvious that they simply couldn't do the job given t them
— MAGA (@2020TrumpMAGA) March 29, 2018
Are the Bush's butthurt or what. All this time I though they cared about this country damn was I wrong! @JebBush isn't president because nobody got exited about him and he was not the candidate that can turn this country around. The right man won! Get over it!
— 🇺🇸 TejasPsycho 🇺🇸 (@TejasPsycho) March 29, 2018