This is hilarious, in a MAGA sort of way.
Conservative retailer Keep and Bear, ads for which you will find on this site, is marketing a Lego-like “Build the Wall” project kit that has sent liberals from sea to shining sea into spasmodic convulsions, terrified that children who play with the building blocks will become “racists,” even though the MAGA gift item was marketed more for Trump supporters as an adult novelty item.
“This gift was meant to bring some lighthearted comic relief to the intense political debate,” Brandon Vallorani told USA TODAY in an emailed statement.
“The majority of our customers are over the age of 40, not children,” reads Vallorani’s statement.
That certainly does not mean that children can’t enjoy building a wall of their very own. My six grandchildren will help Pop (yours truly) construct a Build the Wall come Christmas morning, while I explain to them the importance of national sovereignty and border security.
Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere….
If you would like to order one or more “Build the Wall” project kits for yourself or as Christmas gifts for friends or family, you will find them here…. Build the Wall
Hey, I know, Jasmyne! Instead of "Build the Wall," pretend it says it says, "Build an Abortion Clinic." Then you and your liberal pals can love it all you want!
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 16, 2018
I hear ya. I used to live in Italy, close to Pisa and Lucca, both of which are walled cities. They built walls to keep out, you know, those other white people, because they were RACISTS!
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 16, 2018
Too much stupidity to respond to in 280 characters. I'll just cut to the chase – you're a moron, Mike!
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 16, 2018
….which we will certainly have to do if we leave our borders wide open. There, I fixed it for you.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 16, 2018
God, I love capitalism! MAGA, baby!
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 16, 2018
"Racist" is always the first and last word out of a liberal's mouth when arguing a losing point. Except, everyone with at least two brain cells is sick of it. Vanilla ice cream is racist, but not chocolate ice cream. White clouds are racist but not black clouds. See how it works?
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 16, 2018
Perfect! I've been wondering what to buy my six grandkids for Christmas. I'll buy them two each so they can build an extra tall wall. You know them Hondurans, they got some hops. Thanks for the tip, Jasmyne.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 17, 2018
Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere….