“The wall gets built, 100%.” Those are President Trump’s words yesterday reaffirming his commitment to building the border wall.
If you listen to Congressional Democrats, Rinos and the mainstream media, the story line is that the wall is history, President Trump has given up. It will never happen. President Trump lied. President Trump is a joke.
Of course, anyone with an IQ superior to that of the average garden slug recognizes that the hapless Democrats and the fake news mainstream media are powerless to stop construction of the wall. Congress can withhold funding for the wall to hurt both President Trump and the Amerian people, but they can’t stop it. I feel certain that President Trump will find the necessary funding to begin construction. I will personally pledge $100 a month until it is completed. If need be, We the People will fund the wall construction and President Trump can collect from our southern neighbor during and after construction.
Oh, I know, the mouth-breathing Dana Perino’s of the world are wont to whine, “On what planet is it possible to make Mexico pay for the wall?”
If you were more than a static talking head y0u would have already done the necessary research to find that answer, Dana. Actually, there are several answers, the first of which is ceasing the foreign aid we give to Mexico every year for no apparent reason other than we are stupid. That’s a couple hundred million dollars a year. All we have to do is stop it. Boom! Mexico is paying for the wall.
While Mexico hoses us every year by facilitating the illegal crossing of millions of uninvited guests who work in the US and send significant portions of their earnings home to Mexico, we continue to allow it. Oil used to be Mexico’s number one source of revenue from foreign countries. No longer. Remittances from the US are now Mexico’s top revenue source at $25 billlion dollars annually and growing, with oil exports falling an ever-distant second.
In 2015 “Mexican remittances were $24.8 billion, while oil exports were $18.7 billion. With remittances growing and oil revenues decreasing, the pattern is likely to continue.”
Suppose we place a 5% tax on those remittances at the point of remittance. That totals $1.25 billion a year. Boom! Mexico is paying for the wall.
Mexico exports $291 billion in goods to the US annually. Suppose we impose a 35% tariff on all Mexican imports from tortillas to tequila. That’s enough to pay for the wall in less than six months. This will have the added benefit of making American manufacturers of the same goods competitive again. Unlike Mexican manufacturers, American manufacturers pay taxes in the US. Boom! Mexico is paying for the wall.
Suppose we simply cut welfare payments to illegal immigrants. They broke US law to come here, and we are going to pay them for that? Really? I am not suggesting we cut their benefits entirely. No, that would not be politically correct in polite American society. Say we cut all public assistance to illegal immigrants by 20%. There are 3.4 million illegal immigrant households in the US. Roughly 80% of those are from Mexico, half of which receive public assistance (welfare) to the tune of an average of $6,234 annually per household. That 20% cut would total $8.5 billion a year. Boom! Mexico is paying for the wall. Or if we simply offer ZERO assistance to illegal immigrants, in which case the wall is paid for in less than a year. Illegal immigrants should be receiving no public assistance anyway. Is it any wonder the invasion continues?
Mexico paying for the wall is not an issue. There are many ways to do that.
From USA Today
President Trump is confident he’ll be able to build a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico –but stopped short of saying whether he would insist that money to finance the barrier be included in a new spending bill designed to keep the government open past this week.
“The wall is going to get built and we’re setting record numbers in terms of stopping people from coming in and stopping drugs from coming in,” Trump told reporters on Tuesday. He avoided a question about whether he would sign a new spending bill being negotiated this week if it did not contain wall funding.
The wall has been a sticking point as lawmakers debate the spending bill that would replace the one that expires at midnight Friday. Democrats object to including funding for the wall in a temporary spending bill, and Trump told a group of conservative journalists Monday night that he might defer the matter until a September debate on the annual budget.
In public, Trump stressed he would have the wall built one way or another.
“We’re going to have the wall built,” Trump said during a meeting on new executive orders related to agriculture. “I don’t know what people are talking (about). I watch these shows, and the pundits in the morning, they don’t know what they’re talking about. The wall gets built, 100%.”
However, the president demurred on when the wall might get built, saying only that it would be “soon.”
Pressed whether that meant his his first term, Trump said he has “plenty of time. We’ve got a lot of time.”
The president has said Mexico itself will pay for the wall, but Mexican government officials have said that will never happen.