Whiny American snowflakes continue to cry the blues over the new country they have found themselves in, a country of law and order, a country of increased safety and security for its citizens, a country where only LEGAL immigrants are permitted to enjoy all that that country has to offer.

One such whiny snowflake is defense attorney Octavio Chaidez who is stomping and weeping uncontrollably because ICE agents are actually enforcing the law in, of all places, the local courthouse. Imagine that, law enforcement authorities actually enforcing the law at a courthouse!

It seems ICE has found a new source of deportation candidates. Apparently they are reading the court docket, doing a search of the names they find there to check for citizenship status, and when they find illegals on the docket, they simply arrive at the courthouse at the scheduled date and time and promptly arrest said illegal and process him or her for deportation. Low hanging fruit indeed!

Chaidez is complaining that witnesses could now be rounded up at the courthouse and deported. We all know it is not witnesses he is worried about. He is worried about his criminal defendants.