Brits have always been known as accommodating, courteous to a fault, and very proper and polite. In contrast, Americans seem oafish, primitive, and backward to many Europeans.

The modern British personality, as bend-over-backwards accommodating as it is, has bred a very dangerous atmosphere of political correctness.

Brits are dying regularly at the hands of an ideology that uses liberal British political correctness as a weapon against the people of the island kingdom who still somehow don’t seem to get it.

ISLAM HATES YOU! They want to kill you. They want to kick you out of your own country. Get it yet?

Case in point – the recent story of a young boy, 10, at Charles Dickens Primary School in Hampshire whose liberal weenie, politically correct teacher denied him a drink of water all day long on the hottest day of the year because it would be unfair to the Muslim students who were observing Ramadan.

According to Daily Mail, an angry mother has accused a primary school of denying her child water on one of the hottest days of the year for fear of upsetting pupils observing Ramadan.

Kora Blagden, 32, claimed a teacher at her son Luke’s school refused to let the 10-year old drink from his water bottle because it was unfair to fasting classmates.

Many pupils at Charles Dickens Primary School, Portsmouth, Hampshire, are fasting during Ramadan, which means they refrain from taking food or water between sunrise and sunset for around 30 days, depending on the moon.

The school has said pupils had been reminded to be respectful to classmates who were fasting but added it would ‘never prevent’ children from having access to water.

Kora Blagden has complained to her school as she says her son Luke was told he could not drink water in case it upset pupils who were fasting  Luke Blagden (left), 10, left and Alfie Blagden, 8, the children of Kora Blagden
Kora Blagden (left) has complained to the school as she says her son Luke (right picture, stood on the left) was told he could not drink water in case it upset pupils who were fasting.

Mother-of-four Kora said: ‘Just before bedtime me and my sons Luke, ten, and Alfie, eight, were talking about Ramadan as we had seen it on the news. Luke said to me he was told he wasn’t allowed to drink in class by his teacher.

‘The reason being, a child who is fasting had a headache and the teacher said it would be unfair if the other children drank in front of the pupil.

‘They normally have their bottles on their table but they were kept in a tray by the teacher. He went along with it but he was thirsty and didn’t want to offend the other children. Alfie said he was allowed to drink in the morning but not in the afternoon.

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