Watch Keith Olbermann become totally unhinged in this slanderous rant claiming that “case closed,” President Trump, members of his family, and his administration are guilty of conspiracy to commit collusion.

When did “collusion” become a crime, by the way, and where is Dim Bulb Olbermann’s PROOF that he is citing? He never provided it in his embarrassing tirade, nor even a hint of evidence, just typical leftist bullshit in the hope that at least one of his nine viewers will buy it.

President Trump should sue Olbermann for all he is worth (granted that isn’t much) and GQ for whatever it takes to bankrupt the irresponsible purveyor of the fakest of fake news.

From Real Clear Politics

‘The Resistance’ host Keith Olbermann claims to have evidence that “collusion has been proven” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. He doesn’t.

“It doesn’t matter if Sessions doesn’t know his quid from his pro quo,” Olbermann explained.

He continued: “It is a conspiracy. If these stories are correct, that means with Trump in office, Sessions lied to the Senate about his conspiracy with Russia.”

“And while in office, Trump reportedly signed off on Trump Jr’s untrue statement about this conspiracy with Russia,” he also said.

“The case is closed now,” Olbermann said about the accusations. “The Trump campaign was willing to accept what it believed was material from the Russian government for use in our presidential election. Trump family members and top level campaign members met with the ambassador of Russia to the U.S. to reportedly discuss how Trump would change American policy to benefit Moscow. Candidate Trump the urged the Russians to hack the computers of his opponent, and the computers of her party were already being hacked. The president-elect’s son-in-law [after the election] tried to establish a secret communications network with which to talk to the Kremlin. CASE CLOSED.”

Editor’s note: I watched the whole video three times, and Olbermann does not appear to present or cite any new information that could be construed as “proof” of his claims. He appears to be citing comments made by Jared Kushner during his closed-door testimony yesterday at the Senate Intelligence Committee, but does not directly quote Kushner or any other authority which might “prove” his statements. Additonally, at no point has Attorney General Jeff Sessions admitted to “colluding” with the Russian ambassador during the 2016 election as Olbermann states. Olbermann also makes heavy use of phrases like “seems,” “appears,” “in short,” “if,” “reports,” and “equivilent to” but he says those words much more quietly than he says phrases like “they are guilty” and “conspiracy.” Repeating unsubstantiated claims in an increasingly loud voice does not substantiate the claims.

Olbermann also took the time to get in the gutter with other liberal bits of garbage to attack 11-year old Barron Trump….