Alan Dershowitz may be a liberal Democrat hack, but he is also honest, decent, objective (I know, that hardly sounds like a Democrat) and he understands the law.

Dershowitz sees the Democrat Party’s latest Russian Goose Chase the same way I do. Even IF Don Trump, Jr. is guilty of what the foaming-at-the-mouth liberal weenies are accusing him of, and there is ZERO evidence of that, he committed no crime.

Even IF Don Trump, Jr. accepted information from anyone that may have been obtained illegally, he committed no crime himself.

Add to this the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever that Don the Younger received any such information. In fact, according to all sources thus far, no information at all was shared. And if it was, BFD, it wasn’t illegal to receive it!

Therefore, the liberal weenie Democrat wastes of human flesh have yet another big, fat NOTHINGBURGER on their hands! I really don’t think they are smart enough to play this game. They are being laughed off the field.

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that “I don’t see a crime” in Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting last year with a lawyer with ties to the Russian government.

“Even if there was coordination, even if the worst-case scenario as far as we know now is the Russians getting in touch with Trump Jr. and saying: ‘We have some dirt on Hillary Clinton. Come. We’ll give it to you,'” he told Miranda Khan on “America Talks Live” in an interview.

“And he goes and gets the information.

“That’s what The New York Times did in the Pentagon Papers. That’s what The Washington Post did and many other newspapers did with information from [Edward] Snowden and [Chelsea] Manning.

“You are allowed legally to use material that was obtained illegally, as long as you had nothing to do with the illegal nature of obtaining the information.

“So, at the moment, I see no legal jeopardy for Trump Jr.,” Dershowitz concluded, “but of course we have to know more facts.

“Simply using the material that you know was obtained illegally is not at the moment regarded as a crime.

“It would be wrong to prosecute somebody for that non-crime.”