Tucker Carson just blew up another liberal weenie who actually calls himself a “radical centrist,” an oxymoron that only a liberal weenie would try to foolishly apply to themselves, like ISIS claiming to be moderate terrorists.
Tucker’s liberal weenie prey in this episode (video below) is Philip Levine, Mayor of Miami Beach.
In true textbook fashion, Carlson asks his liberal weenie prey a pointed, specific question, knowing full well said liberal weenie can’t answer it, because there is no answer. There is only bullshit, and Levine shovels it out by the truckload in an attempt to convince the audience that he is answering Tucker’s question. Tucker stands Levine up for his dodging several times in the segment, which ends without liberal weenie having ever answered the question.
Carlson’s specific question: “How (is) this specific agreement (Paris Climate Accord), sending three billion dollars a year to countries like India and China, who don’t have to lower their emissions rates, going to fix the global warming problem in Miami Beach?”
Tucker knows from the outset that it is checkmate as there is no way possible that giving China and India hundreds of billions of dollars a year in free cash, while not obligating them to do a thing to lower their own horrendous pollution, is going to do a thing to reduce the fairy tale of global warming in Miami Beach or anywhere else.
Rightly referring to the mostly-debunked theory of global warming as a religion, not a science, Carlson declares, “We are no longer obviously talking about science here. What you’re watching is a priesthood defending its faith,” for which Levine is a clueless altar boy.
Tucker: “You’re concerned about rising sea levels. I’m not here to argue that that’s not a concern. Or the details of climate science, because I’m agnostic about it. I’m just wondering how this specific agreement sending three billion dollars a year to countries like India and China, who don’t have to lower their emissions rates, is going to fix the global warming problem in Miami Beach?”
Levine: Tucker, let me tell you what’s going on in Miami Beach. When I became mayor, we have streets that are flooding during sunny days. The water levels have gone up dramatically. We, of course, moved forward to raise our roads, put in pumps, change our building codes, and it’s not because we’re so excited to have to do that, but we have to do it for survival of our city. And, it’s not just Miami Beach. It’s coastal cities all over the world.
Hey, Tucker, I heard what you had to say but I gotta tell you something – when the world’s leading scientists are telling you this is what’s going on, and some of the smartest minds in the world are telling you this is the reason why, at some point you have to listen.”
Tucker: “Yeah, you’re actually dodging my question completely.”