This is awesome!
Watch as Congressman Tom McClintock of California shreds the global warming hoax and makes a complete fool of Barack Hussein’s Chief Climate Adviser, Christine Goldfuss (sounds like a Bond girl).
From a November Washington Post article, McClintock goes through a laundry list forecast of the horrible things to come as a result of global warming: Arctic Ocean heating up, icebergs disappearing, and seals finding ocean water too hot, all according to a report to the Commerce Department.
Fishermen, seal hunters, and others apparently reported a drastic warming in the Arctic zone. Again, this was reported by the Commerce Department to The Washington Post from an unnamed source (sound familiar?).
“Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt, the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.”
McClintock then looks squarely and seriously at Ms. Goldfuss and asks, “Is this the crisis you are referring to?”
Smugly replying, Goldfuss answers knowingly, “It is the crisis we’re trying to address.”
Are you feeling the déjà vu yet?
“And how long has this been reaching a critical condition?”
“I’m not sure how you would define a critical condition….” yada, yada, bullshit, dodge, dodge, came the response from Ms. Smug.
Clarifying, McClintock interrupted, “Specifically, to address the CATASTROPHIC warming that this report refers to.”
Looking down her superior nose, Ms. Smug With The Caveman Haircut (hereinafter referred to as MSWTCH) replied, “I’m not familiar with that specific report….”
Interrupting MSWTCH, McClintock instructed, “Well, perhaps the reason is because it was November 2, 1922 that The Washington Post carried this article.”
Then, McClintock wants to know the cost of the implementation of Barack Hussein’s ridiculous global warming regulations.
MSWTCH claims that she has no idea…. “I do not have that figure for you….” to which McClintock responds, “I suspect because the price is absolutely astronomical and if you dared to be candid with this committee or the American people you’d have a revolt on your hands. I yield back.”