Here is one of the beauties of the idiotic argument that all police are racist and, ergo, all police should be eliminated. In case you weren’t aware that the argument for for the abolition of police has been made, meet Jessica Disu, a community organizer from Chicago(!), who said this on Fox News Channel in July:
Here are the solutions. We need to abolish the police, period. Demilitarize the police, disarm the police, and we need to come up with community solutions for transformative justice. [Emphasis added]
Disu also made the ludicrous claim that police forces in the U.S. began as slave patrols, but that’s another story.
Transformative justice, whatever on earth that might mean, doesn’t appear to be anywhere in the nation’s future, and if it means a police force with more blacks, well, get ready for the reality that the bullet that felled Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte last Tuesday came from the service weapon of a black police officer.
In the meantime, on Monday a black 4-year-old in Birmingham was tragically shot to death while playing in front of his house. According to eyewitnesses, the child, named Rodriquez Ferguson, was an innocent bystander who happened to be in the wrong place when gunfire erupted (presumably between gang members attempting to administer “transformative justice” to one another).
So what do local activists want and when do they want it? According to Fox affiliate WBRC, they want more of a police presence in the black community, and they want it immediately.
The article does note that in the opinion of community activist Le’Darius Hilliard, the police aren’t “doing enough to support the grieving family.”
Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.