Issa Rae is an American actress. She is also the creator and star of HBO’s “Insecure.” I had never heard of Issa Rae before or her HBO creation. I don’t watch movies or TV at all, with the exception of an occasional football game, and frankly, Colin Kaepernick has taken nearly all the joy out of that.

The entitled elite who populate the echo chamber cesspool we know as Hollywood are generally repugnant to me. They are largely spoiled brats with too much money who believe they can say or do anything they like and it is perfectly acceptable simply because they breathe the rare air of celebrity.

Case in point: Issa Rae’s comment at this year’s 69th Primetime Emmy Awards when asked by a Variety reporter who she was rooting for to win. Racist Rae replied, “I’m rooting for everyone black!” Then smiling, she doubled down unapologetically, “I am.”

But, of course, there is nothing at all racist about her comment because she is black and anything blacks say is OK.