When will the federal government restrain the partisan media giants facebook, Google, and Twitter?

The executives of all three are extremely hostile toward conservatives and conservative viewpoints, but none is so open about it as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Conservative are more than justified in thinking the deck is stacked against them at every turn, especially on social media, declares BizPac Review.

With Facebook reportedly voluntarily providing data on millions of its users to the 2012 re-election campaign of President Obama, tweets have surfaced of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Twitter board member Evan Williams seemingly promoting a piece that declares the way to win America’s “new civil war” is to annihilate Republicans.

The Medium article, “The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War,” states: “Why there’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history — one side must win.”

Dorsey responded to a tweet from Williams that linked to the article and tweeted: “Great read.”

Dorsey’s tweet was in response to a tweet by Twitter board member Evan Williams (cheap bourbon)….

With social media being the platform 67 percent of Americans rely on to get at least some of their news, according to Pew Research Center, the notion that those who run Twitter appear to have taken sides in today’s polarizing times is indeed troubling, as seen in the reaction to the above tweets.

These same individuals also control what is considered acceptable speech on their platform and what is not.

Of all the responses, and there are plenty, this one may be the most appropriate:


So says BPR. My favorite response….


Other responses to Dorsey’s inciteful tweet….





