H/T Buckwheat

It must be horrible to be a leftist twit always looking, searching for the racist in everything. And if they can’t find it, they invent it and include it in their fake news that they sell to the world every day as the gospel truth.

Would it shock you to know that racist white supremacists have infiltrated the White House? Of course it would! And they certainly have, openly flaunting their racist white supremacy for the world to see.

Watch for this racist white supremacist symbol in your daily doings. Watch your friends. Watch your relatives. There could be a racist white supremacist in your own home.


I know what you are thinking, and, yeah, that may look like a completely innocent “A-OK” symbol, but to the uber-intuitive mental giants on the left the truth is easy to spot.

According to a growing consensus of the aforementioned mental giants on the left, that “A-OK” symbol is really a double secret “white power” message to fellow white supremacists.

I know, I was shocked too. But there it is, in broad daylight for everyone to see, and in of all places our very own White House, the center of power of the planet Earth. Oh, Dear God, help us all!

After discovering the truth about this racist white supremacist symbol, a discovery for which I offer my undying gratitude to the left, I stumbled upon photos of other racist white supremacists who openly use this symbol in public, no doubt as a secret message to their comrades, a sort of racist/fascist password meaning, “It’s OK, I am a friendly.” I am including several of those photos below. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something doesn’t seem quite right about these racist white supremacists. If anyone reading this has a clue, please email me at powderedwigsociety@gmail.com.

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something doesn’t seem quite right about these racist white supremacists. If anyone reading this story has a clue, please email me at powderedwigsociety@gmail.com.