LaVar Ball, the ungrateful father of UCLA basketball player LiAngelo Ball, who was facing years in a Chinese prison until he was rescued by President Trump, says there is no need to thank President Trump for freeing his son.

So, responding to the ingratitude, President Trump tweeted that he should have left Ball in jail.

Now, fake news CNN is calling President Trump a racist for his response to the ingratitude.

Hopefully, fans will get sick of the entitled mental cases that play high level sports. Hopefully they will boycott the NBA, as they have the NFL, since punks like Ball appear to be representative of the NBA’s future.

And, for crying out loud, folks, boycott CNN and its fake news.

BizPac Review jokes that CNN pundit Brian Stelter should buy himself a dictionary for Christmas (or maybe they aren’t joking).

Stelter, who apparently doesn’t know what “race-baiting” means, accused President Trump of doing it while engaging in race-baiting himself.

“It sure looks like race-baiting,” Stelter said of Trump’s tweet storm against ungrateful dad LaVar Ball.

Stelter made the remarks during an appearance Sunday on “CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield,” where they discussed Trump’s recent tweets about the three black UCLA basketball players arrested in China for shoplifting.

President Trump personally intervened with Chinese President Xi Jinping to secure the release of LaVar Ball’s son, LiAngelo, and his two UCLA basketball teammates, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill.

At a press conference last week, the athletes thanked President Trump for his help. However, LaVar Ball said there’s no reason to thank Trump. “Did he go visit them in jail?” Ball asked. “If you went to visit them in jail then I would say, ‘thank you.’”

That’s when Trump fired back on Twitter, saying he should have let Ball’s son rot in jail. There was no mention of race in any of Trump’s tweets about the incident.

Liberals like Brian Stelter don’t want to give Trump any credit for securing the release of three American shoplifters, who could have rotted in jail for years given China’s atrocious history of human-rights violations.

Like Stelter, many leftists have called President Trump a racist for blasting his critics like LaVar Ball. Meanwhile, they gloss over the fact that he intervened to help three black youths when he didn’t have to.

“I think it’s immature at best, but it’s really race-baiting at worst,” Stelter said. “I want to put that on the table: it sure looks like race-baiting to a lot of people.”

ucla shoplifters lavar ball son liangelo ball

LiAngelo Ball , Cody Riley and Jalen Hill were arrested in China for stealing. (Image: screenshot)

No one called former president Barack Obama “racist” when he didn’t lift a finger to secure the release of white American Otto Warmbier, who spent 17 months in a North Korean jail for stealing a poster.

Trump eventually secured Warmbier’s release in June 2017, but he died days after returning home amid reports he had been tortured in North Korea. Otto was just 22 years old.

Twitter slammed Stelter for his race-baiting remarks, which defy logic when you think about it for even two seconds.

Hey, remember when Trump blasted his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions? Was that race-baiting too?