So, where does a liberal weenie and Hitlery sycophant go for an interview when he or she wants to be treated with kid gloves and asked softball questions?
Why, the Clinton News Network (CNN), of course, or at least that’s what Broward Sheriff Scott Israel believed prior to being pulverized by Jake Tapper, who accused the sheriff of gross incompetence for the many failures in the Parkland school shooting.
Nervously swallowing and licking his lips, Sheriff Israel did his best to defend against Tapper’s charges of negligence and incompetence, except there is no defense. So he continued to blame others. This guy is a worthless public servant who should have been fired long ago. When the dust has settled and all of the facts are in, Israel may very well need a criminal lawyer.
Israel, whose Indian name is “Pass the Buck,” placed the blame for failure on subordinates, boasting that he has provided “amazing leadership” throughout his tenure, a statement that would have inspired laughter from most interviewers, but not Tapper, who stared into the camera, looking as though he was about to cry, which is the way Tapper always looks, and questioned the validity of Israel’s “amazing leadership” claim.
From the Sun-Sentinel
Broward Sheriff Scott Israel refused Sunday to resign over missteps in the Parkland school shooting, saying in a CNN interview that he had provided “amazing leadership” and casting blame primarily on a single school sheriff’s deputy who failed to confront the killer.
Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper, the sheriff said his agency was still investigating how multiple warnings about shooter Nikolas Cruz were missed and whether additional sheriff’s deputies failed to enter Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when they thought the shooter was still there.
After Tapper asked about a November tip to BSO that Cruz could be a school shooter in the making, Israel said his department was looking into what happened and had placed a deputy involved on restricted duty.
“Deputies make mistakes, police officers make mistakes, we all make mistakes,” Israel said. “But it’s not the responsibility of the general or the president if you have a deserter. We’ll look into this. We’re looking into this aggressively, and we’ll take care of it, and justice will be served.”
After Tapper asked him, “Are you really not taking any responsibility for multiple red flags that were brought to the attention of the Broward Sheriff’s Office about this shooter before this incident, whether it was people near him, close to him?”
“Jake, I can only take responsibility for what I knew about,” Israel said. “I exercised my due diligence. I provided amazing leadership to this agency.”
“Amazing leadership?” Tapper asked.
“Yes, Jake,” he said. “There’s a lot of things we’ve done throughout this. You don’t measure a person’s leadership by a deputy not going into a … these deputies received the training —.”