If you are a fan of auction sites and second-hand classified sites like Ebay and Craigslist, please read this. It is a how-to murder guide published by ISIS in their propaganda magazine Rumiyah. It not only offers budding jihadis instructions on how to lure innocent people into murder traps, but is also a warning to all potential ISIS victims of things to be on the lookout for.
As reported by the New York Post, Islamic State has released a step-by-step guide on how to murder nonbelievers, which includes advice on how to lure targets via fake ads on Gumtree and eBay.
The latest edition of the terror group’s English-language propaganda magazine Rumiyah mentions Australia twice in an article that explains, with jaw-dropping frankness, how to take hostages and massacre large crowds.
The article encourages would-be terrorists to advertise products on second-hand selling sites, such as Gumtree, eBay and Craigslist, to lure victims and assassinate them.
Rumiyah advises readers to specify that the product must be picked up in person and paid for in cash, to ensure that the victim enters the killer’s property.
“Upon the target’s arrival, one can then proceed to initiate his attack,” the article states.
Alternatively, the magazine says fighters can take out a fake advertisements for jobs as a means to kill innocent people.
“After garnering a significant amount of applicants, one can then arrange the ‘job interview’ location and times, spacing out the applicants appointment times so as to give oneself time to subdue each target as he arrives — luring him to an appropriate location before attacking, subduing, binding and then slaughtering them.”
The story also suggests falsely advertising an apartment for rent online or in newspaper classifieds to lure victims.
“The advertisement should be for a small single-room or studio apartment,” the article states.
“This will help ensure that the viewer comes alone.”
The article is so detailed that it suggests followers dedicate a room for the “disposal of bodies … for the obvious reason of not alerting those intended victims entering the property after them”, and that they buy a “bat or small club” to beat the victim over the head with before slaughtering them with a “strong, sharp knife”.
“Additionally, carrying out this type of operation in the daytime hours will also help in this regard as it allows one to exploit the noise pollution that comes with the movement of people during those hours to drown out any sounds that may be heard as a consequence of one’s attacks,” the article states.
Tricking unsuspecting non-Muslims into believing they are safe before killing them is “divinely approved” by Allah, according to the magazine.
The publication also advocates larger-scale terrorist attacks, and encourages IS soldiers to acquire a gun and replicate the attack on the Bataclan theatre in Paris, which left 89 concertgoers dead in November of 2015.
“The scenario for such as attack is that one assaults a busy, public and enclosed location and rounds up the kuffar (non-Muslims) who are present,” the article states.
“Having gained control over the victims, one should then proceed to slaughter as many of them as he possibly can before the initial police response.
“Ideal target locations for hostage-taking scenarios include nightclubs, movie theatres, busy shopping malls and large stores, popular restaurants, concert halls, university campuses, public swimming pools, indoor ice-skating rinks, and generally any busy enclosed area, as such an environment allows for one to take control of the situation by rounding up the kuffar present inside and allows one to massacre them while using the building as a natural defence against any responding force attempting to enter and bring the operation to a quick halt.
“Similarly, characteristics of a good target location include low light conditions, as it grants one the ability to manoeuvre between the people, taking advantage of the confusion and killing as many of the kuffar as physically possible.”
Salman Abedi was clearly following this kind of advice when he let off a suicide bomb inside Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande concert last week, killing 22.
The article urges fighters to strike when the locations are at their busiest and to keep a few victims alive to use as human shields against the police.
Rumiyah says acquiring a firearm in the US is a “very easy matter”, but encourages soldiers to ram-raid hunting or military stores if they are unable to buy a gun through legal channels.
The article suggests that as IS soldiers are fighting in Iraq and Syria, nonbelievers in the West “will be met with blades that plunge into their bodies, vehicles that unexpectedly mount their busy sidewalks, smashing into crowds, crushing bones, and severing limbs, and bullets that pierce their filthy bodies while they are in the midst of their foul enjoyment”.