Photo, above: Gov. Cuomo lies down in Zuccotti Park as he participates in a die-in demonstration Wednesday with students fighting for gun control measures following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre.  (KEVIN P. COUGHLIN//OFFICE OF GOVERNOR ANDREW M. CUOMO)

I remain absolutely amazed that some people have the brains to make it out of the house in the morning.

Typical liberal Democrat hypocrite Andrew Cuomo joined students in a die-in Wednesday in support of gun control. Not a single one of the useful idiots attending appeared to grasp the hypocrisy of Cuomo being there surrounded by armed guards.

The governor’s obvious message: “You people are too stupid to be trusted with guns. Only entitled elites like myself deserve the right to guns for self-defense. Forget that Constutition crap. The last thing we want is you being able to defend yourselves.”

H/T The Gateway Pundit

And the crowd went wild!

This shameful display of stupidity has George Soros’ fingerprints all over it.