Our latest edition involves the FBI’s deposition of Hitlery’s faithful girl Friday, Huma Abedin, recently tied to terror groups herself.
While it was expected that Huma would follow Pagliano’s lead (Remember him? He’s the guy who installed and maintained the infamous private server), invoking the Fifth with every question.
But not so. Huma actually spilled a few of the Wicked Witch’s well-guarded beans.
Stay tuned for our next edition, where Hitlery throws Huma under the bus.
From Constitution.com
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s right hand, Huma Abedin, spilled the beans about her boss’s homebrew email server during a deposition Tuesday in Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit against the State Department over Abedin’s employment status.
In the deposition, Abedin admitted that the private email system caused problems for employees at the State Department, as emails from the State Department to Clinton, and from Clinton to State Department employees, would go to spam folders and not be seen in a timely manner.
Abedin even wrote an email to Clinton telling her to get a State Department email address “so you are not going to spam.”
Under followup questioning, Abedin discussed a specific incident when an email from Clinton about setting up an important telephone conference with a foreign minister instead went to a spam folder, and the opportunity to make the conference call was missed.
“She missed the call,” Abedin testified, “because she never got the — I never got her email suggests — giving us the signoff to do it. So she wasn’t able to do her job, do what she needed to do.”
Also brought up during the deposition was that Abedin told Clinton at one point that she should consider “releasing your email address to the department.”
Abedin denied remembering what she meant by that, but it seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it? It suggests that the private Clinton address was on a need-to-know basis, which is strange, to say the least, for someone overseeing an entire federal agency.
The deposition also confirmed that setting up the private server was Clinton’s idea. Abedin testified that she didn’t even know the server existed until she was given an account on it. The only other people who Abedin knew had an account on the server were Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea.
At one point, Clinton sent her a message saying, “Let’s get separate address or device, but I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.” In the deposition, Abedin didn’t really address that message, as her attorneys kept objecting to the questions.
The more information comes out about Clinton and her emails, the more obvious it is that Clinton herself instigated the creation of the system so that “certain someones” couldn’t read her emails and see what she was up to. The question is, who were those certain someones? It doesn’t seem to have been the Russians, the Chinese or other foreign governments, as the email server evidently had inferior security and appears to have been hacked several times.
One can only conclude that she didn’t want anyone from the U.S. government looking over her shoulder, so she took her email account off the official system, exposing national secrets in the process.
It also appears that she was informed on several occasions that her email server posed security problems, as well as made it more difficult for her underlings to do their jobs.
Yet she persisted in keeping the server and tried her darnedest to hide and destroy her emails when they were legally requested to be released.
This all suggests that she sought to have the email server created because she intended to use it for some sort of messages she knew she would not want to be known about.
Consider that Clinton IT worker Bryan Pagliano invoked the Fifth Amendment 125 times to avoid testifying about his role in creating the Clinton email server and precisely how he programmed it.
The State Department on Wednesday filed papers in court seeking a 27-month delay that conveniently will not release any emails related to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s top four aides until well after the November election.
There’s obviously a high-stakes coverup going on here designed to protect Clinton’s chances of winning the presidency, just like all the lying about Benghazi was designed to protect Obama’s re-election in 2012 and Clinton’s long-term political viability.
It’s what these people do.
The only question I have about Hillary Clinton’s email server is was it designed to make secrets accessible to people outside our government, which would be espionage, or did she really risk national security just so she could send private emails to Chelsea and Huma, which would just be stupid?
Either case should be sufficient to keep her from ever serving in government again, much less serving as president.