Nikki Haley’s strength and courage as US Ambassador to the United Nations is both surprising and welcome. After her politically correct, progressive position on the Confederate flag, who knew she would be an America First hawk when sent to the UN to represent the American people and the Trump administration?
Haley is doing a splendid job letting the world know that the United States is no longer Santa Claus who you can poke in the eye and then expect presents from, as she was quick to inform an Arabic reporter who indignantly challenged what he believes is hypocrisy on the part of the United States in treating the Iranian protesters, who the US supports, and the Palestinian protesters, who the US does not support.
I believe there is a very simple answer for that. The Iranian dissidents are protesting a brutal, authoritarian, theocratic regime. The Palestinians are protesting a legitimate democracy’s right to exist and are doing it by committing acts of terror, killing as many innocent people as possible every chance they get. I am amazed that this reporter doesn’t understand the difference.
No problem. Haley answered the nitwit’s question promptly and moved on to the next question without giving him a chance to follow up. Well done, Ambassador!
“You are so strong when it comes to the freedom and dignity of the Iranian people but you have a different meaning of freedom and dignity when it comes to the Palestinian people, who’ve been brutalized for over 50 years of occupation,” the Arabic Daily reporter said to Haley on Tuesday, referring to recent protests that have broken out in Iran, as reported by BizPac Review.
The ambassador had just finished her own remarks echoing President Donald Trump in support of Iranian protesters who have taken to the streets in several cities since last week, demanding a change in the face of oppressive theocratic rule in a country feeling the effects of economic stagnation, government corruption and rising prices.
The protests have resulted in hundreds of arrests and over 20 deaths. The president tweeted his support of the demonstrators and warned Iran against human-rights violations in its response.
The reporter continued his question to Haley, asking “what made you believe that you are on the right side of history, when you stood alone in the Security Council against 14 members and 128 countries” who voted against Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and recognize the city as the capital.
Haley shot back with a fiery response, not missing a beat.
“I stood proudly, even if I was the only hand in the Security Council to fight for the will of the people of the United States,” she said. “They wanted to see the embassy moved to Jerusalem and we follow through with that.”

(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
Last month, following the UN vote, Haley made it clear that “no vote in the United Nations will make any difference” on the U.S. decision to move the embassy. But she added that the Trump administration would be noting those who voted against the move.
Haley schooled the reporter Tuesday on the U.S. position regarding the Palestinians’ desire to secure Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.
“We very much still want to have a peace process, nothing changes with that,” she said. “The Palestinians now have to show they want to come to the table. As of now they are not coming to the table but they asked for aid. We are going to make sure they are coming to the table and we want to move forward with the peace process.”
Trump tweeted Tuesday about the possibility of cutting off funding for the Palestinians, citing the “HUNDRED OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS” a year they are given by the U.S. while they offer “no appreciation or respect” in return.