Ten-year-old Frank from Falls Church, Virginia, just outside of Washington, is a lawn mowing entrepreneur. He wrote to President Trump requesting an opportunity to mow the White House lawn some day. Inspired by the young man’s spirit, President Trump agreed and Frank is on his way to the White House for a tour, and to hang out with the White House grounds crew, and to mow at least a portion of the White House lawn.
“Dear Mr. President,
It would be my honor to mow the White House lawn for some weekend for you. Even though I’m only 10, I’d like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for. I admire your business background and have started my own business. I’ve been mowing my neighbors’ lawns for some time. Please see the attached flyer. Here’s a list of what I have and you’re free to pick whatever you want: power mower, push mower, and weed whacker. I can bring extra fuel for the power mower and charge batteries for the weed whacker, and I’ll do that with no charge.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “Frank, I’m happy to report back to you that I just spoke with the President. He wanted me to be sure and tell you that you’re doing a great job and keep working hard. He also asked me, we found out when we called, to let you know that we would be reading this letter to wish you a happy birthday. I think Frank went from 10 to 11 in the time that we received and were able to respond to this letter. And he also wanted to invite you to spend a morning here at the White House with the groundskeeper. The groundskeeper, we talked to them, and they’d love to show you how the US Park Service maintains the eighteen acres of the White House complex, and he’d love to give you the opportunity to cut the grass in the Rose Garden.”