By Thomas Madison

Donald Trump told us Fox News was incompetent. They confirmed it around 4AM Tuesday, prematurely declaring Trump the winner in the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary.

I can see Fox doing this. I mean, after all, they are allowing Megyn Kelly to pollute the next Fox debate. Total incompetence!

Fox News Political Correspondent, Jerome Horowitz, commented on the snafu….


Also, in the article, below, and here…. 2016 New Hampshire primary results, Politico has provided a nifty minute-by-minute tally of the New Hampshire primary results.

By Nolan D. McCaskill and Hadas Gold, Politico

Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary Tuesday — according to a premature Fox News report.

Citing every precinct reporting, Fox News’ website accidentally published election results declaring Trump the winner with 28 percent support and 14 delegates.

“During routine testing in preparation for the New Hampshire primary a malfunction occurred which briefly showed errant data on our website,” Fox News Chief Digital Officer Jeff Misenti said in a statement. “This error has been rectified. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.”

Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich each shared three delegates, according to the errant Fox results. Rubio garnered 15 percent support, followed by Cruz at 12 percent and Kasich at 11 percent. Chris Christie received 9 percent support and Jeb Bush got 8 percent, while Carly Fiorina finished at 4 percent and Ben Carson at 2 percent. None of them, however, received a single delegate.

Jim Gilmore got 574 votes in the mistaken Fox data but registered at zero percent.

The error was first flagged by conservative pundit Charles Cooke:

The mistaken results were up for around 15 minutes, Fox said.

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