Conservative blonde bombshell Tomi Lahren has been hired by Fox News as a contributor.
Notwithstanding the whining and moaning coming from the liberal weenie mainstream media over this budding collaboration, I believe this to be an outstanding hire by Fox and will bring many conservatives back to the fairest voice in TV news media, increasing market share and ratings, much of which was lost by Megyn Kelly. Tomi will do very well at Fox.
If you hear a collective shriek around the nation’s newsrooms, this announcement may have something to do with it, reports The Daily Caller.
“FOX News Channel (FNC) has signed conservative commentator Tomi Lahren as a contributor. Lahren will have a signature role on an FNC digital product currently in development and will also offer political commentary to the network’s opinion programming, primarily Hannity,” a release from the network states.
Lahren had appeared on FNC Sean Hannity‘s program earlier in the summer to do his closing opinion segment. She’ll fittingly make her official debut appearance Wednesday night on Hannity’s program. With Hannity by her side, she may be unstoppable.
Or not.
“I give her a one contract term,” a Washington journalist told The Mirroranonymously, making Lahren sound like a politician.
“Tomi has great legs, and like her entranced viewers she is a mouth-drooler,” said another D.C. journalist.
But she also has a fan: “It’s the good idea, the whole point is getting people to watch your television program. She’s a good-looking girl with an animated opinion,” remarked another Washington journalist.
Before FNC, worked as a communications aide at Great America Alliance (GAA), a Super PAC supporting President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election bid. Previously, she worked at Glenn Beck‘s The Blaze — after which she sued him and the company and won the rights to her Facebook page. Before that, she hosted On Point with Tomi Lahren at One America News Network.
Lahren has a fierce 4.4 million following on Facebook.