So much for the revered Star-Spangled Banner. Our national anthem, once a proud symbol of patriotic unity, now draws laughter and inspires multimillionaire crybaby athletes to drop to their knees like $10 hookers.
Speaking of $10 hookers, check out Fergie’s rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner at the NBA All-Star game. She appears to be very drunk and I was actually embarrassed for her as she set new low standard for our national anthem.
Me: #Fergie #NBAAllStar2018 National Anthem was THE WORST!
Carl Lewis: Hold my beer— Reggie Watkins (@ReggieWatkinsJr) February 19, 2018
Congratulations Carl Lewis. You've finally shed the title of worst anthem singer ever. #Fergie
— Mike Hogan (@MikeHoganArgos) February 19, 2018
Not sure what Fergie was going for on that national anthem performance but if it was “my friends drunk mom acting sexy” she nailed it.
— Johnny Taylor, Jr. (@hipsterocracy) February 19, 2018