Photo, above by (Spencer Platt/Getty Images), via The Blaze
The Second Amendment, that which protects all the other amendments, is under attack from every direction, especially from our public schools, where it is needed more than anywhere else.
Academics simply do not possess a realistic view of the world or the country we call home, yet are willing to indoctrinate our children with their uber-liberal, kumbaya garbage. No wonder young people are so confused.
From Fox News Insider
The parent of a child whose teacher asked his students to pen letters asking Congress to enact stricter gun laws urged parents to “be vigilant” regarding what their children are taught and told.
According to a Blue Lives MatterĀ report, the assignment from seventh-grade teacher Corey Sanders asked students “to pressure lawmakers to have stricter gun laws in the United States.”
William Lee, who is also a police officer, said on “Fox and Friends” Friday that he wouldn’t have found out about the issue had he not asked what his son learned in school.
“My biggest concern was, what was the intent of the assignment? I found out that it didn’t have anything to do with what [the students] were supposed to be learning in that social studies class,” he said.
“It only gave [students] one perspective from which to write. That in itself, I didn’t think was appropriate,” Lee said.
It turns out that the assignment had not been approved by the school district and the matter was addressed with the teacher.
The Henry County School District told Fox News: “The lesson topic was not a part of an approvedĀ curriculum. … We would never approve of a politically biased assignment or directive given by a teacher. … We do not condone the actions that transpired. It has been handled appropriately with the teacher to ensure they know this is not acceptable and won’t happen again.”