By Thomas Madison
Judge Andrew Napolitano is my first choice to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. He understands our Constitution intimately and daily advocates for its restoration and preservation.
Many believe that Barack Hussein will appoint Scalia’s replacement, and he very well may, but if the Republican-majority Senate does not confirm the appointment, the term of Hussein’s replacement expires at the end of the next legislative session, which ends on January 3, 2019. However, majority or not, there are a handful of corrupt RINO scumbags in the Senate who could potentially be on the payroll of forces not exactly friendly to the conservative cause, and will sell their souls to the devil if the money is right.
In the video, below, while not mentioning Convention of States, the good judge is making one of the best arguments I have heard for the Article V movement.
As Divine Providence brought that collection of altruistic geniuses together in Philadelphia in July, 1776 to draft and adopt the Declaration of Independence, (it wasn’t actually signed on July 4th, but rather on August 2nd, but that’s a whole ‘nother story), Divine Providence also brought another collection of patriotic geniuses together, again in Philadelphia, in 1787 to draft and adopt our Constitution. Six of the signers of the Constitution also signed the Declaration of Independence.
In their thoughtful consideration of worst case possibilities, our founders put into place, in Article V, a provision whereby We the People, through our respective state legislatures, may amend our Constitution as a remedy for an overreaching federal tyranny, as we are victim of today.
With a corrupt executive branch, and colluding legislative and judicial branches, and no one looking out for the interests of Mom and Pop America, it is time for We the People to exercise our rights under Article V and call for a Convention of States so that we may tame the voracious beast we call our federal government, whose insatiable appetite steals more liberty and prosperity from the American people every day.
Watch Judge Napolitano’s spot-on ‘What if’ monologue, which perfectly explains the need for a Convention of States.
Following the judge’s video, I also included George Carlin’s insightful, though pessimistic, take on the American Dream and our ever-growing and overreaching federal government. I reckon George didn’t know about Article V and Convention of States. Warning: Salty language!
And, by all means, please sign the Convention of States petition at the following link, and if you can, become active in the organization…. Convention of States.