Controversial Chinese war hawk and military commentator Rear Admiral Luo Yuan is proposing that China attack and sink two US aircraft carriers operating in the South China Sea, reports Taiwan’s Central News Agency (CNA), via
Admiral Luo believes that the trade friction between China and the US is “definitely not simply friction over economics and trade,” but rather, “a prime strategic issue.’
Despite the US carriers being surrounded by a variety of defensive escort vessels, Luo considers China’s advances in anti-ship ballistic and cruise missile technology, much of it technology stolen from the United States, to be more than adequate to destroy the American carriers.
Boasting of what China would do to what he sees as sitting duck US carrier groups, Luo declared, “What the United States fears the most is taking casualties,” adding that the loss of a single carrier would cost the US 5,000 lives, the loss of two costing 10,000 American lives.
“We’ll see how frightened America is,” threatened Luo, implying that the American people would not be willing to fight and lose even more young American lives.
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Luo advocates exploiting what he asserts are the ‘five cornerstones of the United States’….
- Military (which China has been exploiting for decades by its theft of US military technology)
- Money (which has been gifted to China by the US for decades in the form of unrestricted trade at the expense of American businesses, especially manufacturers)
- Talent (see 1, above)
- Voting system (just one more argument for removing all electronic equipment from our voting system and returning to hand-counted paper ballots)
- Fear of adversaries (one must wonder what fear Luo is speaking of, as Americans are well-known for their lack of fear in the face of ANY adversary)
Admiral Luo also advocated that China “use its strength to attack the enemy’s shortcomings. Attack wherever the enemy is afraid of being hit.”
Luo’s chest-thumping is in response to what he views as a US challenge to China’s sovereignty claims over Taiwan and the East and South China Seas. “If the US naval fleet dares to stop in Taiwan, it is time for the People’s Liberation Army to deploy troops to promote national unity on (invade) the island,” Luo declared in December.
“Achieving China’s complete unity is a necessary requirement,” Luo said. “The achievement of the past 40 years of reform and opening-up has given us the capability and confidence to safeguard our sovereignty. Those who are trying to stir up trouble in the South China Sea and Taiwan should be careful about their future.”
This all sounds like the insane barking of Saddam Hussein when he boasted that the war between the United States and the Iraqi military would become known as “The Mother of All Battles.” It took US forces a total of 100 hours to completely destroy Saddam’s military, the fourth-largest on earth at the time.
Chinese President Xi should counsel Admiral Luo on his inflammatory and dangerously threatening rhetoric. Attacking US warships and killing American servicemembers would be the greatest mistake the Chinese have ever made. There would surely be hell to pay militarily, not to mention that the United States would destroy the Chinese economy in short order by cutting off all trade.
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