For as long as the Russian collusion investigation has been going on, we have been told that Christopher Steele’s source for the 35-page lie we now know as the Trump dossier was one or more Russian nationals inside Russia. The salacious stories of golden showers by Russian hookers paid for by President Trump and all the other Hustler-caliber nonsense did not come from Russia or any Russian. It came from Sidney Blumenthal, longtime pal of the Clintons.
Treay Gowdy reveals Blumenthal as Steele’s source in the video, below. Politico, in the article following the video, believes that Gowdy simply “implies” that Blumenthal is the source of the 35-page lie. It is clearly more than an implication.
Watch Gowdy’s body language in the following video. At the :52 mark, it is very clear that Gowdy affirms that Martha MacCallum nailed it when she guesses (:48 mark) “Sidney Blumenthal” in response to Gowdy’s hint as to who Steele’s source was.
Apparently a little surprised by MacCallum nailing it on the first guess, Gowdy tries to backpedal a bit, telling her she is “warm,” then finally conceding that, “Yeah,” MacCallum was right. He is clearly telling MacCallum that she is right when he responds, “Yeah.”
Being the control freak she is known to be, I seriously doubt that the Wicked Witch of Benghazi allowed Blumenthal to act autonomously. I’m sure that every word Blumenthal gave to Steele had the Hitlery seal of approval on it.
From Politico
During an interview on Fox News’ “The Story,” host Martha MacCallum asked Gowdy (R-SC) whether “weeks before the election, somebody in the Obama State Department was feeding information from a foreign source to Christopher Steele.” MacCallum had previously asked whether Gowdy knew anything about “a source who gave information to an unnamed associate of Hillary and Bill Clinton who then gave information to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department who then gave the information to Steele.”
“When you hear who the source, one of the sources of that information is, you’re going to think, ‘Oh, my gosh, I’ve heard that name somewhere before. Where could it possibly have been?'” Gowdy replied.
Asked whether it was a foreign source, the South Carolina Republican said it was domestic.
“I’m trying to think of how Secretary Clinton defined him. I think she said he was an old friend who emailed her from time to time,” Gowdy said.
Asked whether it was Blumenthal, Gowdy said: “That would be really warm. You’re warm.”
“I am troubled by what I read in the documents with respect to the role the State Department played in the fall of 2016, including information that was used in a court proceeding,” he said.
Blumenthal and Clinton couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.
Gowdy said he has known about an exchange of information outside and inside the State Department for more than a month.
“Everything that there is to know about it, and I have known about it for over a month,” he said. “If you go and read the documents at the Department of Justice, you see it. I am troubled by it.”
Gowdy’s comments came several days after the release of a Republican-drafted memo that alleged Justice Department officials relied on the dossier compiled by Steele to obtain a surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a former campaign adviser to President Donald Trump. The memo alleged that the application did not disclose that the dossier had partisan origins, though GOP officials acknowledge to POLITICO on Monday that it contained a footnote disclosing that.
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee helped write the memo. He has said that his committee is currently investigating other departments, including the State Department, as part of its ongoing investigation.