From Robert Gehl, Downtrend

On Malik Zulu Shabazz’s radio program, he called on his followers to “build up that army. Right now it’s time for us to build up those corps, those troops. It’s time to get strong. It’s time for lifting weights and working out and going to the gun range and all of that.”

Among the things that will “shock” consciences is the murder of police officers, is reporting.

“Sadly because America won’t do justice to black people, more and more people are going to lose balance and go off, and so we’re going to have funerals. Mike Brown gonna have funerals, Eric Garner in New York,” Shabazz said. “All over the country, we’re having our funerals, but now they must put on their dress blues and have their funerals, too. It’s a helluva day in this hour.”

Shabazz is a violent, racist terrorist (even the Southern Poverty Law Center calls him “a racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people”).

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