By Thomas Madison

The entire world knows that the Republican Party and the Republican National Committee hate Donald Trump. They also know that the people of the United States love Trump and everything he says and his promise to make America great again.

The Donald is smoking his opponents like a cheap cigar, and rather than get behind this powerhouse candidate and enjoy the glorious ride all the way to the White House, the RNC and GOP establishment have decided to play fuckaround.


It has recently been discovered that “Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.” Translation: “Let’s engineer the nominating convention to keep Trump from getting the nomination,” i.e., denying the people’s choice so that a bought-and-paid-for loser can cruise to the nomination…. and get creamed in the general election by Hitlery, a la John Douchenozzle McCain in 2008.

Most of Trump’s opponents enjoy the king getting taken down a notch, except one guy – Ben Carson, who said in no uncertain terms that the Republican Party is subverting the will of the American people, and if it continues “I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party.”

Good on you, Ben!

This has all the look of a third party ticket setting up – Trump/Carson. Suits me! If the Republicans are that stupid then the party should die a slow painful death, and it most certainly will. The stupidity is amazing!

I believe if Trump and Carson unite as a third party option, they will beat both stale establishment parties. The people have had enough of their partisan bullshit!

This is not just a presidential election. It is a movement. Too bad the Republicans are not bright enough to see that and capitalize on it.

From Tal Kopan, CNN

Ben Carson on Friday took a page from Donald Trump’s playbook by threatening to depart the Republican Party.

Ahead of Tuesday’s GOP presidential debate, the retired neurosurgeon slammed the party after reports emerged that Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.

“If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning,” Carson said in a statement. “If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party.”

It’s the first time Carson has suggested the possibility of bucking the GOP — though he has previously stood with Trump in pressuring the party to meet demands, including on debate structure.

Carson was responding to accounts that surfaced Thursday, first reported by The Washington Post, that Republican Party officials at a monthly dinner meeting this week discussed plans for a brokered convention, which would be triggered if no candidate secures enough delegates to win the nomination outright. Then delegates could be given up to support a consensus nominee.

According to sources at the dinner, a brokered convention was not the primary focus, but it was a topic of conversation. It appears to be the first active planning by the party for the possibility.

Carson was deploying a tactic that Trump has repeatedly used on the trail. The mogul has left the door open to an independent bid since the beginning of his campaign, and recently warned the GOP that if it doesn’t treat him “fairly,” he would consider it.

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