By Thomas Madison
When does the Barack Hussein insanity stop? January 20, 2017? I certainly hope so. If Hitlery or the Bern are elected, you can scratch that and count on more of the same.
In a stunning unilateral and arbitrary interpretation of the 52-year old Civil Rights Act, Hussein’s DOJ is making an example of North Carolina, which recently passed a gender-specific bill, HB2, a new law that requires those who are anatomically female to use the women’s restroom, and those who are anatomically male to use the men’s restroom, no transgender BS allowed.
Barack Hussein’s Justice Department has been mobilized and is utilizing the threat of cutting off federal education funding to North Carolina until it gets in line and complies, permitting weirdos to use the restroom of the opposite sex.
And keep in mind, according to Hussein’s bizarre interpretation of existing federal law, one need not be a chemically/surgically-altered transgender to qualify for using the restroom of his or her or its choice. All that is necessary is identifying as a male or a female. You can be a 6’5″ dude with a full beard, declare that you are feeling a bit feminine that day, and legally waltz into the ladies room to embarrass all those therein.
Maybe I’m crazy, but isn’t this a two-way street? Can’t the governor and legislature of North Carolina, and the other 56 states, simply declare that their citizens will no longer be paying federal taxes, that those taxes will go instead to fund the education of North Carolina’s children? What are the feds going to do, invade North Carolina to collect taxes?
Hmmmm. Well, Lincoln did it. I reckon Hussein can try it too. However, I don’t believe federal tyranny will go over as well this time.
Thanks for standing up, Tarheels. We are with you!
Mark Garrison of WBT Radio interviewed Rep. Dan Bishop, sponsor of HB2, regarding the remarkable threat issued this week by Obama’s Justice Department – a vast overreach of federal power that impacts virtually every employer in America, both government and private sector…
Mark Garrison, WBT Radio: Some big developments on North Carolina’s bathroom law, known as HB2, with Washington stepping in.
Justice Department sent a letter telling the Governor the law’s got to go, because it dictates which bathrooms transgenders have to use in schools and government buildings. The Feds say that violates federal law. The Justice Department has given the state a deadline to do something about it, but as it turns out, Republicans in the general assembly are in a fighting mood over this.
I chatted late today with Mecklenburg Republican Dan Bishop. He wrote House Bill 2, and basically he says, “Phooey on the Feds.”
State Representative Dan Bishop: The letter is focused on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
That’s a 50 year old law. What the Obama Administration is saying with this letter, is that by having a law to protect the bathroom privacy from the presence of people who have anatomically opposite sex being in there at the same time, constitutes sex discrimination in employment. Now, the folks in 1964 who passed that law sure didn’t know that!
It’s based on a new interpretation of the law in the Obama Administration bureaucracy, no change by Congress. They’re saying that HB2, that we passed to reestablish sex specific bathrooms, showers, in public buildings – that constitutes sex discrimination against North Carolina and local employees.
Garrison: I can tell by the tone of your voice, you sound pretty outraged by that letter.
Bishop: It’s sort of remarkable… There’s always another test by the Obama Administration just how much the American people will tolerate.
Garrison: You’re saying that their interpretation, that there shouldn’t be male and female bathrooms in public building.
Bishop: You certainly can’t prevent anybody, under their interpretation, who says, if they’re an anatomical male, and they say, “I’m a female,” you cannot preclude them from entering the opposite bathroom.
Radical Obama Reinterpretation of Title VII Impacts Most U.S. Employers
Garrison: What will this do now to general assembly? Will you guys ignore it, or try to repeal HB2?
Bishop: It’s too early to say, and not entirely up to me, but it is a breathtaking assertion of executive power by the Obama Administration. The question is, can they, based on a bureaucrat’s reinterpretation of settled law, that hasn’t been approved by any court; can they go around the nation and force this not only on state government, but on every private employer that has 15 or more employees. That’s the issue.