The “swamp” and its attending and pervasive corruption have made the United States a global joke, a very large and powerful banana republic. Venezuela has been less corrupt than the United States over the past three decades. Credit the do-nothing Bushes and the do-no-good professional liars Slick Wille and Barack Hussein.
This newest report of liberal Democrat corruption comes to us from Fox News’ Tucker Carlson who has found that discovering cases of gross corruption during the administration of Barack Hussein is as easy as finding tomatoes at a farmer’s market. Low-hanging fruit, as it were.
Tucker’s latest report, video of which follows, is less than comforting news for frequent flyers.
According to a 2016 Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General report obtained by Carlson and aired on his Fox News program “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE) not only demanded, then devised, a test favorable to less qualified black candidates at the expense of more-qualified, experienced aviation professionals, it then helped its members cheat on the examination to apply for a position as an air traffic controller.
The net result is our skies and YOU are less safe. But, that’s OK because diversity.
From BizPac Review
During a teleconference, NBCFAE explained to members how to answer questions in the application for hiring air traffic controllers. “According to [redacted] the members told [redacted] some of the questions they posed were either taken from the… test or were questions they were told were on the test,” the report stated.
Witnesses told investigators that they were told what answers to mark in order to pass the test.
The NBCFAE previously lobbied for the biographical test in order to increase diversity among air traffic controllers. The test that was created as a result of these efforts resulted in penalizing individuals with aviation experience, aviation attorney Michael Pearson told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Tuesday.
“It’s not a screening test. It actually turned out the scoring group could actually penalize people with aviation experience — pilots, air traffic controllers. And then to make it worse, they had folks stand in line for this test, that somebody in the NBCFAE had apparently got the answers to and coached other people how to pass the test,” Pearson said in the Tuesday interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
The Office of Inspector General did not choose to pursue criminal charges against those who helped NBCFAE members cheat, Pearson said in the same Tuesday interview, despite cheating on a federal employment examination being a federal crime.
NBCFAE did not respond to a request for comment.