Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube have been on a brutal campaign to shut down conservative discourse, a clear violation of the First Amendment rights of conservative publishers, like yours truly. And they have been getting away with it.
We in the conservative publishing world have seen our reach, traffic, and especially our revenue drop through the floor over the past few years, in particular, the past year.
Someone (Media Research Center) has finally dug into the First Amendment abuse by the tech giants and discovered that not only is the rumor of the tech giants censoring conservative speech confirmed, but it is an even more massive and militant effort than previously thought.
From BizPac Review
A new report detailing how liberal tech giants are censoring conservative speech reveals how the left is on a “jihad against conservative thought.”
Fox News’ Laura Ingraham highlighted the Media Research Center’s “devastating” report during Monday’s “The Ingraham Angle,” highlighting some of the study’s findings.
“Among the findings, claims from former employees that Facebook hides conservative content from the trending section, were backed up by a detailed study,” Ingraham said. “Google, YouTube, and Twitter partner with leftist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, that hate conservatives. And check this out. Of the 25 members on the panel that guides Twitter’s policies, 12 are liberals and there is only one conservative. I can’t believe there is one.”
Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell joined Ingraham to expound on the report and its implications.
“It’s 50 pages documenting what conservatives have been suggesting has been happening. This is — it sounds hyperbolic, but Laura, this is true,” he said. “This is emerging, the greatest censorship of free speech worldwide in the history of man. Now let me explain this. The left is on a jihad against conservative thought.”
This war, Bozell explained, is “happening in academia, in entertainment, in business, religion, everywhere…Now they’re going to the social media giants. These social media giants have audiences of the billions.”
Bozell noted that different companies use differing tactics to accomplish their leftist goals.
“And what we’ve shown in this massive report is whether it is Facebook, or Twitter, or Google, or YouTube, they are all employing different tactics to go against conservatives,” he said.
Image: Screenshot Fox News
Bozell explained that the first step in combating the censorship is to be aware that it is even happening.
“Well, the first thing you have to do is recognize what is going on right now. Jack Dorsey is the CEO of Twitter. He put these things in the right perspective. Just recently, he was promoted — he promoted an article that calls for the destruction of the conservative movement. Promoted!” Bozell said.
“It’s not just happening in the United States it’s all over the world that the left is militant. Conservatives have to recognize this and conservatives have to start looking for new homes,” he added.
In conclusion, Bozell told Ingraham if conservatives leave, the business model for the social media giants will collapse.