
Check out this leaked Public Policy Polling document describing the truth regarding what is really happening in the presidential race, in this case in Florida, which is a vitally important battleground state.

The testimonial for PPP in the upper right hand corner of their website should tell you all you need to know about the biased, screwed up polling that has been going on in this race.

The major polling organizations are clearly in the business of being paid to make a poll say whatever the paying customer wants it to say.

If you want a poll saying your next door neighbor is an axe murderer and should sell you his house for half the market price, see PPP or one of their polling brethren. They will hook you up for the right price.

The image below is the first page of the leaked PPP doc. You can read the entire five page report at this link…. Trump smoking Hitlery

H/T Charlotte Oliver

You can read the entire five page document here…. Trump smoking Hitlery