From American Thinker

By James Simpson

That’s right, the terrorist-sponsoring Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, FBI “consultants” and promoters of Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood BFFs, just changed their name to the Washington Trust Foundation.


Or perhaps more to the point, WHY?

An explosive story posted Sunday by Charles Johnson at the Daily Caller reveals that CAIR, er, excuse me, WTF, has apparently been laundering money obtained from Middle East donors in violation of federal law. While it publicly presents itself as a single organization, CAIR has in fact created a multitude of 501(c)(3) organizations and a 501(c)(4), CAIR Action Network. By moving donations around, CAIR may have evaded taxes and has avoided disclosure of its foreign funding sources required by the Foreign Agent Registration Act.

Quoting Johnson, “Under IRS regulations, an organization may have 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) related entities, but they must maintain a wall between the two; this is accomplished by establishing separatebank accounts, board of directors, bookkeeping, and payroll. CAIR, though, had none of these.”

Johnson cites David Reaboi, Vice President for Strategic Communications at Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy:

“Plentiful legal evidence, acquired in the course of a lawsuit — plus CAIR’s own official filing documents to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) and IRS — make clear that CAIR has engaged in a thinly-disguised money laundering operation. In addition to violating its 501(c)3 regulations, CAIR’s undisclosed and hidden foreign donations amount to violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act as well.”

Guidestar reveals nine state chapters, a property holding company in California, a main office in Washington, DC and the CAIR Foundation. Many of these chapters have little income. The Iowa chapter – yes there is one – has none.

The Foundation was de-listed in 2011 because it failed to file the requisite IRS Form 990 tax returns for the three prior years. However, in June WND reported that while Tea Party organizations were being sandbagged by IRS, the agency quietly restored the CAIR Foundation’s non-profit status following a meeting with White House officials.


This Ponzi scheme echoes the ACORN scandal in more ways than one: a shady group tied to President Obama creates shell organizations to hide monetary transactions in order to skirt federal law. ACORN was bad enough, but what, besides avoiding taxes and hiding its terror ties, is the terror-supporting CAIR – sorry, WTF – doing? According to the article, in 2006, CAIR’s membership had fallen from a high of 29,000 to 1,700 nationwide and membership fees accounted for only $41,000 a mere 1 percent of its total revenue. (I could not find more recent data). So it is obviously not inspiring a lot of Muslims to join. What’s the game?

It appears CAIR is now seeking to further mask its activities by adopting a nondescript-sounding name, the Washington Trust Foundation. I think they made a boo boo with this one though, because from now on, they are going to be known by their sorry acronym.

So let’s all join in with a rousing shout for the new CAIR:


But seriously, will anyone take this seriously? Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department? You must be kidding. In 2010, the Center for Security Policy published it’s Team B II Report: Shariah, the Threat to America, wherein it revealed the Islamists’ patient strategy of “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated.” That report documented the Muslim Brotherhood’s successes in advancing its “civilization jihad” within America by infiltrating the U.S. government, including the White House.

Barely a year later, the U.S. government precipitated the fall of one of our few true Muslim allies, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, to assist in the installation of a Muslim Brotherhood government led by Mohamed Morsi. And despite the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s likely participation in the Benghazi 9-11 attacks, President Obama saw fit to award them with $1.5 billion in military aid!


But now that Morsi has been overthrown in a coup to rid Egypt of the overwhelmingly unpopular and very undemocratic Muslim Brotherhood government, Obama has decided to withhold the aid. First, it was an overt pout over the Egyptian military’s decision to put their country before Obama’s reckless demands, but now he’s hoping to use it as a bargaining chip to help the Muslim Brotherhood advance its cause in… wait for it… Syria. Meanwhile, overwhelming evidence shows that it was the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood opposition, not the government, using chemical weapons. Chorus, repeat after me:


Yesterday the Justice Department Office of Inspector General released, then yanked, then released again, its report on the FBI’s questionable interaction with CAIR – sorry again, WTF. The FBI had a strict policy in place limiting its interactions with the group following revelations of CAIR’s involvement with terror in the Holy Land Foundation Trial. But those policies have not been followed.

You should not need any more information at this point to realize that our government is now being ruled by criminals, real, genuine, seditious criminals, relentlessly intent on aiding and abetting our enemies, despite their blatant and lethal hatred of the United States. We are reaching the crisis point folks. Congress must step up to the plate, do its constitutional duty and stop these people.