THIS is what Obama is now worried about?!….
Iran is about to become a nuclear power, and unless Israel stops them, is there any doubt they will make good on their promise to wipe Israel off the face of the map?
Preaching income equality? Really?! Obama was worth a million dollars when he entered the White House. Five years later his net worth is 13 million dollars. Income equality must be like Obamacare. It doesn’t apply inside the beltway. But be sure, he is coming after your middle class paycheck to fund his voter base.
Ex-Army officer and stone-cold patriot, Thomas Madison is on a mission to contribute in any and every way to the restoration of and strict obedience to the United States Constitution, that divinely-inspired, concise, intentionally and specifically broad (wrap your head around that oxymoron) blueprint which has gifted the world with the concept and realization of individual liberty and unlimited prosperity.
We, as a nation, have lost our way. We have spent the past one-hundred years attempting to fix what was never broken. As with building anything, when you can't figure it out, consult the blueprint. So too with rebuilding America, the blueprint for which is the United States Constitution.
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