“I would beat your f***ing ass just for the sheer joy of it”
Paul Joseph Watson
A man claiming to be a trainee Sheriff’s Deputy posted a threatening Facebook message aimed at Cop Block, an organization which advocates filming police officers, in which the soon to be cop said that protesters should be exterminated in “gas chambers” and that he would beat them up “just for the sheer joy of it.”
Image: Ron Paul Supporters (Wikimedia Commons).
“While its rare that we receive direct death threats, they must be taken seriously, especially when they come from someone with military training and is about to become a Law enforcement agent / Sheriff,” states a post on theofficial CopBlock Facebook page.
According to CopBlock, the threats were made by Darren Redding, a former U.S. Marine who claims to be a current cadet in training with the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department. Redding’s Facebook page has now been deleted, but the messages sent to CopBlock appear at the end of this article.
“If I had my way, there would be another holocaust with camps and gas chambers full of fucking cunt scabs like you, I hope you die,” stated Redding, adding, “I hope some cop beats your ass next time you’re “protesting” or filming them or whatever. In fact I’m about to start the training academy for the washoe county sheriffs dept in reno, Nevada and I can’t wait to deal with punk ass bitches like you. I would beat your fucking ass just for the sheer joy of it.”
“If you were a law abiding citizen you wouldn’t have any problem with 5-0, but something tells me you were probably being a jackass towards a police officer and you got what was coming to you, and that inspired you to make a page giving a bad name to all law enforcement,” stated Redding, complaining about one of Cop Block’s posts.
Cop Block responded to the threats by inviting people to contact the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and suggest that they refrain from hiring someone who has expressed a desire to see people who exercise their rights gassed in concentration camps.
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office first responded by claiming Redding’s Facebook page had been hacked, but then distanced themselves from him altogether, asserting he was not in training with them. The Sheriff’s Office’s is expected to make a statement about the issue soon.
Hundreds of other Facebook users responded in the comments section, with one former US Army Ranger stating that Redding should not be allowed to become a police officer.
“The numbers of the sheriff’s office where he plans to apply should be give out as well as emails for everyone to write to so that this does not just fall through the cracks and be forgotten about. The last thing we need is another out of control officer that will take a dump on people’s rights (or worse),” remarked Kevin Warrick.
While the vast majority of police officers do not espouse such extreme views, this is another example of how a minority of law enforcement personnel, especially those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, are now entering the police force with total hostility towards the American people and complete contempt for the bill of rights.
Screenshots of the original message Cop Block says they received from Darren Redding can be viewed below.