Ann Coulter Challenges Ed Schultz: ‘Invite Me on Your Show, You Lying Pussy’


Invite me on your show, you lying pussy. RT @Matthops82 “Republicans are afraid of me. They don’t want to talk to me.” – @edshow

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 15, 2014

*****Update: Coulter had the following to say about this via email:

These MSNBC hosts like Rachel and Ed love posing as macho Republican-slayers, with Rachel repeatedly begging Republican senators to please, please, please come on her show (because she’s such a formidable debater, you see), and now Schultz boasting that Republicans are terrified of him! We quake in our boots!

I’ve been begging to come on their shows for years now, but they’re all apparently too afraid of a 99 lb girl. (Or any conservative who can put 2 sentences together — Hey! Somebody get Todd Harris on the line!)

Moreover, I don’t care that they’re all a bunch of pussies at MSNBC, but cut the B.S. posturing when you won’t allow any non-retarded conservative on your airwaves.