AUGUST 24 2013

The driver had just delivered a pizza to a hotel in Melbourne, FL when a man with a knife approached his car and demanded money.
Fearing for his life, the driver drew his firearm and fired a single shot at the suspect.
The suspect was hit and was declared dead on the scene by responding officers.
According to News13:
“Preliminary evidence in the case demonstrates that the intended victim of the robbery acted in self-defense while being robbed by a violent criminal who was armed with a knife,” said Sheriff Wayne Ivey. “The suspect in this investigation was released from prison in 2009, after serving a reduced sentence for similar violent crimes.”
The suspect who was killed had a long criminal history including multiple violent crimes.
Sadly, we’ll have to wait to see if the driver gets to keep his job. In previous media reports, it has been stated that Domino’s has a strict “no guns” policy for its drivers.