Famous News Anchor Calls For Obama’s Impeachment
Megyn Kelly, the Fox News news host, just did a show segment asking the public why Obama is not being impeached for committing crimes against the constitution. She argues that he has been guilty of many illegal acts that have broken the constitution, so it seems time that someone on the right makes the move to impeach him.
Kelly said that she needs some clarifications of things such as the fact that Obama illegally took advantage of the Senate two years ago. Since some of his acts are now being brought up in the courts, it is time to get serious. The claim is that Obama forced the Senate to take recess via his executive power in order to push his agenda.
This did not come as a surprise, but what did come as a surprise is that no one took action at the time to reprimand the president. Now two years later a court case is finally being started regarding the actions of the President. Kelly asked in an interview with Mitch McConnnell whether or not presidential overreach can be something that should be resolved in the courts. He answered that courts take too long to resolve anything leading Kelly to conclude impeachment was the answer.