Children’s Book Council & Kids Defy Left’s Demands for Censorship, Name Rush ‘Author of the Year’
The announcement was made Wednesday in New York City at the seventh annual Children’s Choice Book Awards gala, which is held to benefit the Every Child a Reader charity.
Liberals “across the fruited plain” were not only outraged by the CBC’s announcement in March that Limbaugh had been nominated for the award, they demanded his removal from the list of finalists. But in a major blow to the “liberal” cause of silencing all of those with whom they disagree, the Children’s Book Council refused.
The Council describes the selection process on its website:
“The Children’s Choice Book Awards is the only national book awards program where the winning titles are selected by kids and teens. Young readers across the country voted in record numbers for their favorite books, author and illustrator … casting more than 1,261,000 votes.”
Limbaugh received the award for “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans.”
So, who taught whom a lesson here? Those on the left who, while stopping short of trying to ban a book, tried to ban its author from receiving recognition for writing it? Or the young readers across America who read that book – and did so without a political agenda? Good job, Children’s Book Council.