Feds Force High School To Tear Down Boy’s Bleachers Because They’re Nicer Than The Girl’s Bleachers

Posted by Thomas Madison
From Tom Tillison, Right Wing News
In the gilded age of President Barack Obama, equality reigns supreme.


Parents at Plymouth High School in Canton, Mich., pulled together to have new bleachers and a scoreboard installed at a field used by the boys’ varsity baseball team, according to the local Fox affiliate.

Spectators were having a difficult time watching games beforehand and the parents even raised the money needed for the project, so all is well. Right?

Not so fast.

In response to an anonymous complaint, the U.S Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights stepped in to say the brand new bleachers must be torn down because the facility is no longer equal to the girls’ softball field.

WKBK-TV reported that the agency said the playing fields for boys’ and girls’ athletics must be equal, and even issued the school a citation.

To support their decision, government officials threw in a charge that the new seating was not handicap-accessible.

Not having the money to renovate the girl’s facility, the school agreed to comply with the feds request, saying it will hold onto the new bleachers until a plan can be divised that is “fair to everyone,” WJBK-TV reported.

Another possible solution, borrowing from an old Seinfeld episode, is to cut the bleachers right down the middle.

As ridiculous as this sounds, it’s no more preposterous than the ever-growing overreach by the federal government into our daily lives.