And this geography-challenged parasite, Rep. Ann Kuster is representing a district in New Hampshire, whose voters apparently have a pretty low standard for representation in Washington.
In response to a written question from a constituent regarding her opinion of Rep. Frank Wolf’s bill to form a select committee to investigate the Benghazi attack, Rep. Kuster tap danced, “I don’t have … it’s a Senate thing — I don’t think we have anything about that in the House,” either lying or completely unaware of what is happening in the House of Representatives, where she works, as Frank Wolf (R-VA), author of the bill, is a fellow member of the House.
One lady in the audience continued to press for an answer to what is being done about the massacre in Benghazi. Kuster responded, “I’m certainly not here to talk about it, we’re here to talk about the Middle East,” prompting several audience members to give her a quick lesson in geography. If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny. It actually looks like an SNL skit.
And this is what passes for representation in Washington these days.