Our Nation Is Sick, And Mark Levin Has The Right Prescription
By Brian Carey on August 13, 2013@brianmcarey

Last night on Hannity, Mark Levin made an appearance to discuss his new book, The Liberty Amendments.
Levin said that the states have the authority to propose Constitutional amendments. His book suggests several amendments that are necessary to ensure freedom for the American people and a properly functioning government. Here are some amendments that he thinks are necessary.
1. Term limits for members of Congress
The founders, Levin said, wanted rotation in and out of office so that members of Congress could better relate to their constituents. He said that the framers intended for Congress to be a part-time job in which farmers who served would continue to be farmers and business owners who served would continue to be business owners.
2. Remove the popular election of the Senate
Levin wants the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution repealed. He claimed that the popular election of the Senate has created an unworkable Congress. Senators, according to Levin, should be chosen by the state legislatures. That is, in fact, how Senators were chosenbefore the 17th Amendment.
3. Term limits for Supreme Court judges
We might part company with Levin on this one, as we’re terribly fond of the independence of the judiciary. Personally, we think that fixing the Senate (see point #2), which confirms Supreme Court judges, will prove this amendment unnecessary. Levin also said that Congress should have the ability to override a Supreme Court decision with a supermajority vote.
4. Limits on federal spending and taxing
“Does anybody really think this Congress, this President is going to limit itself?” Levin asked rhetorically. In fact, neither Congress nor the President has shown any restraint when it comes to either taxing the American people or running up our national debt. Levin also claimed that this issue is bipartisan, as President George W. Bush increased spending with a Republican Congress.
5. Limits on the federal bureaucracy
The federal bureaucracy is the fourth branch of government, according to Levin. That “branch” creates 3,000 laws and regulations every year.