By Thomas C S Paine

Do you like Powdered Wig Society?

Then you better start fighting to save it and MANY other websites that fight for FREEDOM.

The internet is free and open discourse & commerce and is NOT suppose to be censored. We all know that’s not true on some websites and it’s going to get worse if we allow it.

Globalists want control of the World Wide Web and Obama is willing to give it to them.

Congress has only a few days to stop the transfer of power over the WWW. (Sir) Tim Berner-Lee, English computer scientist, the inventor and father of the WWW is also against the move and has warned that this could increase censorship online and invade our privacy.

American owned & based- ICANN- The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is more than just names & numbers, it’s control. Are we willing to give control of the internet to Marxist, Muslims, multi-nationalist corporations & Globalists?

Google- the big dog, Yahoo & Bing already “filter” search terms to their bias. If the UN tales control, freedom of speech on the net is lost forever. The boot of big government will come down on the throats of dissenters like never before. Not to mention the multi-national corporations that will squash small businesses like a bug.

Trump has sided with the sovereignty of the American people against international elites yet again by coming out in opposition to Obama’s internet giveaway to a United Nations globalist body. 14% support what Obama is trying to do with the internet, 41% oppose it, and 44% were unsure. That tells me that 44% have no idea what’s happening to freedom of speech on the World Wide Web (and that 14% are the usual clueless morons).

Marxist radical Robert McChesney started the “Net Neutrality” movement. But it has been stopped so far. He cannot be allowed to achieve his ultimate goal to “get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.” In other words- Government control of the airwaves.

If Hildabeast becomes POTUS, she will push this agenda again. We The People have only a few days to STOP the takeover of the World Wide Web. PLEASE SHARE WITH ALL, EVERYONE.