And so it begins, only a week into his presidency. The big purge. The involuntary exodus of illegal immigrants from the United States, as per the directive of President Donald Trump.

This guy, Trump, moves with lightning speed, and no wonder. The biggest impediment to getting things done in America is the government, and he now owns it, and is returning it to its rightful owners, We the People. God Bless President Trump!

More than 90 Somalis and Kenyans have landed at the JKIA in Nairobi after being deported from the United States, according to News Africa.

Reports indicated 95 Somali men and two Kenyan women were deported via Omnia international plane at 11am.

A security officer at the ariport said they were then flown to Mogadishu via Juba Airways.

The officer said American security officers who accompanied the men said the deportation was as a result of President Donald Trump’s policy.

An estimated 30,000 Kenyan illegal immigrants are now at imminent risk of being deported from the USA back to Kenya.

There are around 11 million illegal immigrants in the USA who Trump threatened to deport while he was on the campaign trail.

Many illegals were hoping that he would tone down after winning the election but it is now clear that Trump will not backtrack on his hardline immigration policy.

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Trump, who voiced his opposition for America’s immigration policy, said the US is “the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own.”

But former President Barack Obama said his plan for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants was unrealistic.

“The notion that we’re gonna deport 11, 12 million people from this country – first of all, I have no idea where Trump thinks the money’s gonna come from. It would cost us hundreds of billions of dollars to execute that,” Obama said in a White House interview with ABC News, according to excerpts released by the network.

Poor Barack Hussein. He was never suited for the job. He had no idea what he was doing. No wonder he played so much golf. It beats sitting around in the Oval Office doing crossword puzzles.

Let me point out the idiocy of your statement, Barack. No matter how many illegals we deport, a plane ticket is cheaper than taking care of them for decades. It is a business decision, not that anyone would expect a community organizer to know anything about that. And don’t forget the security aspect, but again I wouldn’t expect a community organizer and career government parasite to even comprehend that.