Arizona Republican Rep. Dave Schweikert is calling for thousands of troops to be sent to states bordering Mexico to deal with the flood of illegal immigrants….

by Caroline May, Breitbart “The drastic increase of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) being apprehended and detained by federal agents along our southwestern border is causing resources to be diverted away from other Department of Homeland Security (DHS) missions,” Schweikert said Tuesday. […]

The crisis on our border cannot be a coincidence, but rather an engineered plan. Who would be so evil as to engineer such a disaster, taking advantage of young children and American generosity? Who else?….

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’ An organization of former Border Patrol agents Wednesday charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America for political purposes. […]