VIDEO: CEO requires job applicants to take snowflake test to weed out whiny non-producers. Take the test here. See how you do

My first question is, “Why didn’t someone think of this before?” It makes perfect sense. Why hire a crap shoot when you can weed the crap from the shooters BEFORE realizing what a steaming pile of crap you hired?

VIDEO: Now, here’s a switch. St. Louis snowflakes try breaking INTO prison

Over the centuries there have been attempts by inmates to break out of prison. But, did anyone ever think of trying to break INTO prison? Leave it up to these St. Louis snowflakes to come up with that bit of genius.

VIDEO: Wow! Star-spangled awesome! Watch these patriots shut down Democrat congresswoman’s town hall, shouting “We love Trump!”

The police escort Barragan to a safe space in the school where she only allows fellow Snowflakes in, shutting out the patriots, who stand at the door and scream at her.

Hilarious! Yale student Republicans have perfect answer for snowflake hunger strike

The great thing about this hunger strike is that protesters can eat whenever they want. Only the liberal mind can come up with that.

Yo, Mr. Snowflake, how about some fake mud jeans? Only $425. I have an even better deal for you. Inquire within

No longer will you be the wallflower at the club wearing your skinny slacks and topsiders. Now you too can join the fun! Look like the lumberjack or construction dude you know she wants.

Hilarious video: Country tune poking fun at poor little Snowflake. – “Friends In Safe Spaces”

Oh, I’ve got friends in Safe Spaces. If you don’t go with us, then you must be racist. That is our catch phrase. Where is my latte?

VIDEO: Ladies and gentlemen, please hold your applause and remain seated until all of the nominees have been announced. The winner of the Best Snowflake award is….

I’m pissed! Miley got ripped off! She is the most awesome Snowflake ever. Excuse me, I am going to go stop traffic.