NOPE, NOT COOPERATING! Government’s Tracking Citizen Bank Accounts, Purchases

From Les Weaver, Clash Daily

For some period of time and on a multitude of web sites, we have read that the White House is livid that the banks cannot report on citizen’s bank accounts. For years, we have been aware that tracing purchases by credit card not only can be, but have been collected by merchants. The detail of each item purchased on a credit card is reported to a data base. It is an easy step for them to report to the government or for the government to hack those data bases.

My wife and I have done our part to make the tracing of our purchases a real challenge. First, we keep small amounts of cash in purse and wallet. Some of our purchases are with the use of that cash and many by writing checks where only the merchant that deposited the check is traceable, but not the detail of what was purchased.

Now here is the fun part. Almost exclusively and separate from other purchases, we use our sole credit card for only three “needs”. First is when we take our pets to the veterinarian. Second is when we purchase any alcohol beverages. And third is when we purchase our prescription drugs.

If you were a government collector and/or examiner of citizen data, what would you conclude? Perhaps that an alcoholic, drug addicted, card carrying pooch is not feeling well. The other more likely possibility is that we are presenting a one finger salute. At eighty, our imagination gets a humorous boost to think that we may be that grain of sand in the government data collectors’ public Vaseline.

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